We feel so inclined to make all those we care about aware of the importance of spiritual well-being. Peace and serenity are two qualities that are needed in order to achieve balance in your life. Balance is one of the keys in having the highest quality of life. We offer you some tips on how to keep that balance. So whatever is causing you pain, stress, or anger, think about letting it go…
7 Quick Ways to Calm Down
Anxiety zappers that can rescue you from daily stresses by Therese J. Bor

I'm easily overwhelmed. When my kids' exuberant screams reach a decibel level my ears can't tolerate, when Chuck E., the life-size "rat" at the pizza place, starts doing his jig while flashing arcade lights blind me, or when I open my email to find 100 messages--I feel a meltdown coming on. Which is why I came up with seven quick ways to calm myself down.I turn to these when I don't have time to call my mom and hear her tell me, "Everything is going to be fine." They keep me centered and grounded for as long as possible, and they help me relax my body even during those times when screaming kids and dancing life-size rats converge.
1. Walk Away
1. Walk Away

Know your triggers. If a conversation about global warming, consumerism, or the trash crisis in the U.S. is overwhelming you, simply excuse yourself. If you're noise-sensitive and the scene at Toys-R-Us makes you want to throw whistling Elmo and his buddies across the store, tell your kids you need a time-out. (Bring along your husband or a friend so you can leave them safely, if need be.) My great-aunt Gigi knew her trigger points, and if a conversation or setting was getting close to them, she simply put one foot in front of another, and departed.
2. Close Your Eyes

3. Find Some Solitude

This can be challenging if you are at work, or at home with kids as creative and energetic as mine. But we all need some private time to let the nervous system regenerate. I must have known this back in college, because I opted for a tiny single room (a nun's closet, quite literally), rather than going in on a larger room with a closet big enough to store my sweaters. When three of my good friends begged me to go in with them on a killer quad, I told them, "Nope. Can't do it. Need my alone time, or else none of you would want to be around me. Trust me."My senior year I went to the extent of pasting black construction paper on the window above my door so no one would know if I was there, in order to get the hours of solitude that I needed.Be creative. Find your space. Any way you can. Even it involves black construction paper.
4. Go Outside
4. Go Outside
This is a true lifesaver for me. I need to be outside for at least an hour every day to get my sanity fix. Granted, I'm extremely lucky to be able to do so as a stay-at-home mom. But I think I would somehow work it into my schedule even if I had to commute into the city every day. Even if I'm not walking or running or biking or swimming, being outside calms me in a way that hardly anything else can. With an hour of nature, I go from being a bossy, opinionated, angry, cynical, uptight person into a bossy, opinionated, cynical, relaxed person. And that makes the difference between having friends and a husband to have dinner with and a world that tells me to go eat a frozen dinner by myself because they don't want to catch whatever grumpy bug I have.
5. Find Some Water
5. Find Some Water
While watching Disney's "Pocahontas" the other day with my daughter Katherine (yes, I do get some of my best insights from cartoons), I observed the sheer joy the main character shows upon paddling down the river, singing about how she is one with the water. It reminded me of how universal the mood effects of water are, and how healing.On the rainy or snowy days that I can't walk the double stroller over to our local creeks, I do something the global-warming guys say not to; take a long shower, imagining that I am in the middle of a beautiful Hawaiian rain forest."Water helps in many ways," writes Elaine Aron. "When overaroused, keep drinking it--a big glass of it once an hour. Walk beside some water, look at it, listen to it. Get into some if you can, for a bath or a swim. Hot tubs and hot springs are popular for good reasons."
6. Breathe Deeply
6. Breathe Deeply
Breathing is the foundation of sanity, because it is the way we provide our brain and every other vital organ in our body with the oxygen needed for us to survive. Breathing also eliminates toxins from our systems. Years ago, I learned the "Four Square" method of breathing to reduce anxiety:1. Breathe in slowly to a count of four.2. Hold the breath for a count of four.3. Exhale slowly through pursed lips to a count of four.4. Rest for a count of four (without taking any breaths).5. Take two normal breaths.6. Start over again with number one.
7. Listen to Music
7. Listen to Music

BLUE - God's Righteousness (Rom 3:22; 4:13; 5:17; 9:30; 2 Cor 5:21; Phil 3:9; Heb 11:7)
Because the believer has the forgiveness of sins and Positional Sanctification through the work of Christ at Salvation, the Father then imputes His Righteousness to the individual. The believer also shares Christ's Righteousness, since he is in union with Christ. This is symbolized by the color blue.
BLUE - God's Righteousness (Rom 3:22; 4:13; 5:17; 9:30; 2 Cor 5:21; Phil 3:9; Heb 11:7)

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