Ways to Deal with Stress! (Without Totally Losing Your Cool).
1 Get rid of what's causing the stress - if you can, (that doesn't mean your younger brother or sister or your parents).
2 Change your attitude toward what's causing the stress. (Easy to write, harder to do). Write down what is causing you stress and how you react to it. Then take a nice deep belly-breath.
3 Face up to what's causing the stress until it isn’t stressful anymore. See “Bullying” if need be.
4 Avoid hassles. Identify the things that stress you out and eliminate them or prepare yourself to cope with them. Take a day off, that's what weekends are for.
5 Pursue a new hobby or sport. Take time to do what you enjoy, not what other people want or 'expect' you to do. Start keeping a journal. Writing down your thoughts and emotions can relieve a lot of stress and also help you see your creative side.
6 Don't deny or repress your emotions, this only compounds stress. Don't be afraid to cry; crying can relieve anxiety and let out bottled-up emotions.
7 Work on creating a stress-free place in your home. Your room should be a safe stress-free place for you to go to. Decorate it so you find it calming, soothing and safe.
8 Family and Friends. When you can talk to your parents in a loving and secure family, then that can help relieve a lot of the stress that you bring home from other places. BUT home is not heaven for a lot of teens and you can often run into many stressful situations there as you would anywhere else. You may have a close friend or a friend's parent(s) that you can talk to instead.
9 If you feel you simply cannot handle the stress in your life, consider outside help. You may be able to talk to a guidance counselor at school, or you may want to consult a qualified counselor or other practitioner who can help you handle your problems and learn effective stress reduction techniques. It is often beneficial to talk with someone who can offer an objective response whether a trusted friend or a professional counselor.
-Don’t be afraid to try new ideas, try Yoga, or Tai Chi both are good for you and you don't necessarily have to be a jock to do them or benefit from them. See Exercise also. Chill!
Blustery winter weather has a way of sneaking up on even the most attentive beauty addict. “One of the most frequently asked questions I get from women of all ages is, ‘How can I treat my dry skin?’” explains skincare expert Cornelia Zicu, whose lavish Fifth Avenue day spa clientele includes everyone from Hollywood A-listers to politicos, business tycoons and royalty. “There are a number of simple things you can do every day that will help condition your skin and make it healthy. Some are unexpected; many are natural but all are easy to do.”Known for her dedication to natural ingredients - inspired by the homegrown remedies passed down from grandma in her native Romani - Zicu's new line doesn't launch until next spring, but in the mean time, try these tips she offers up for keeping your skin gorge when the weather isn't:
SEE AN EXPERT According to Zicu, the basis of any reliable skincare routine is a visit to an expert, be it at a spa, a dermatologist or a medical professional. "This person, however, should not be a sales person at a product counter in a department store."
CHANGE WITH THE SEASON "The beauty products you use during the spring and summer may not meet your needs during the fall and winter." She advises consulting an expert to see which products to switch or add to your skincare routine.
MOISTURIZE During the day, use lighter products; follow up in the evening with a moisturizer containing stronger active ingredients. If the weather is particularly harsh, avoid going outside after using anything with potent active ingredients. "Doing so will only exacerbate the effects of the pollution, wind and temperature outside on your skin."
GET BALANCED If you have acne or problem skin, include at least one or two products with strong active ingredients as part of a daily routine, but complement them with products that calm & heal.
DRINK YOUR 8 GLASSES Heavy clothing, moving snow or ice and navigating through crowded stores during the holiday season can work up a lot of sweat so drink plenty of water and attempt to cut down (or eliminate...if you're feeling particularly strong-willed) caffeine. "Even if you maintain a healthy diet of fruits and vegetables, caffeinated drinks dehydrate the body down to the cellular level. Any H2O absorbed by the fruits and vegetables you eat will be eliminated by drinking coffee or soda."
USE A HUMIDIFIER Humidifiers allow your skin to absorb moisture in the air while you sleep. If your office allows, add one there as well. "Add a few drops of essential oils to the humidifier -- and even the ventilation system of your car -- for added benefits."
LIMIT HOT SHOWERS & BATHS Hot water dries out skin, so trim a few minutes and degrees off your shower. Room temperature water is particularly important for anyone with rosacea or sensitive skin.
THERE'S ALWAYS TIME FOR GEL If you're too pressed for time to moisturize after you hop out of the shower, try a gel that does triple-duty by cleaning, hydrating & exfoliating.
EXFOLIATE Once a week should suffice during winter; excessive exfoliation can not only cause dry skin, but exacerbate it.
WEAR SPF 15 OR MORE ALL YEAR The rays of the sun are out 365 days a year – including the rain, sleet and snow. Apply an SPF about 45 minutes to one hour before going outdoors. And if you're spending time outside, re-apply it roughly every half hour, depending on how strong it is.
-Lesley Scott
*No Shine!Are you wondering where your shine went? Your hair used to be shiny, but lately it is looking duller by the minute. It could have something to do with product buildup. What you need is a good clarifying shampoo that will wash all of that buildup, right down the drain.
*Dry and Brittle If your hair is very dry and brittle, you might want to apply conditioner to your wet hair before you shampoo. It will help ensure that you don't wash out all of sebum that is so necessary to your hair.
*In The End...I know that this hurts, but long hair has to be trimmed to stay healthy looking. Doing so every six weeks, ensures that split ends won't travel up the hair shaft. Hair that is in bad condition, looks it.
*Don't Forget This Step When using tools that require a lot of heat or high temperatures to perform their duties, be sure to use a thermal protectant or straightening balm to protect your hair.
*Especially Now The cold temperatures and brisk winds can do as much damage to our hair as it can do to our skin. This is not the time to skip conditioning. In fact, spend a few more minutes giving your hair a little TLC.
Crush bag of oreos in a blender/food processor (you can use a ziplock bag and rolling pin to crush them). Mix crushed Oreos with cream cheese. Roll Oreo mixture into approximately 1 in balls and chill. Melt candy/bark in a small bowl or in a double broiler. Dip Oreo balls in melted candy/bark using either a toothpick or 2 spoons. Let candy/bark cool.
Enjoy! Thanks Lakendra for that great treat!!!!
Entertainment Blast.........
Thursday, November 8th
Ladies Night by A&J Entertainment @ V on the 4th
Bobcats vs Pacers After party by Sat Entertainment @ The Big Chill
Flirtatious Fridays @ Tempo
Zodiac Saturdays by Orlando Farrar & Troy Veale @ Eclipse
Sunday November 11th (no work on Monday so enjoy)
Monday, November 12th
Monday Night Football @ Allure
Wednesday, November 14th
R&B Live Charlotte @ All Stars Bar & Grill
Pop Life-The Fall Series by Sol Kitchen @ Prevue
Thursday, November 15th
Toast to Success by KMB Marketing @ The Grape at Southpark
Party w/ a Purpose for Free! by Nottheaveeragechick @ morehead Street Tavern Downstairs
Movie Pick..........
Check out a great movie for the holidays.....http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/thischristmas/
Up and coming local designer and promoter.....Check out http://doitbigshoppingnetwork.net/default.aspx
We give you what you crave, not just what you want......
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