WHAT'S GOOD FB FAM?!! Oh, dang, I'm sorry, I was too caught up in speaking to my 400 or so "friends" that I say good morning to each day! LOL, we are all addicted to Facebook, whether we admit it or not, whether we use it as a networking tool or just to stay connected with friends and loved ones through the wonderful invention known as the internet...or maybe you just like to converse and comment on the random things people say during the day. Bottom line, Facebook has become the new MySpace, only for adults, and WE can't seem to get enough of it! It's usefulness outweighs its drawbacks, for example, how else can you reach hundreds, maybe even thousands of people by making one comment and posting it? No matter if everyone who reads it responds, they see it and take note. This is why we love using Facebook as a networking opportunity. Don't get mad if you see a message in your inbox asking you to come to this party or that, it's just another way of "passing out flyers" without actually putting them on your windshield! If you post your party as your status for the whole week, aren't you just promoting your organization and your event for free (especially if you know it's FIRE), without shame? Nothing shameful about trying to be successful by any means necessary...and it's necessary for people to know about your product before trying it out! So dedicated to ALL our FB family, keep doing what you do, we love it!
Anonymous FB quote of the day: "Is there something I might be able to do for this person, now or in the future?" Positive Networking is not all about you. It’s discovering what you can do for someone else. Handing out your business ...card and trying to close the sale is not going cut it anymore....build good relationships! People do business with people they know and trust. Open opportunities for all!
Sista Girl Saturday coming up again on September 20th! Come celebrate the Virgo b-days, especially the one of 1/2 of Professional Swagga, we will be getting it in again at Lake Norman, contact 704-400-7748 or 704-492-0069 for tickets, $25 in advance, $30 the day of so get yours now!
Of COURSE Cosmos was a big success last month, and we would like to give special recognition to Wanda Strickland, founder of The Empowered Woman, an organization dedicated to inspiring women from all walks of life who have experienced challenging situations. Please visit her website here: http://www.theempoweredwomannc.com/Upcoming_Events_.html We encourage you to make donations or volunteer, we are all together in this thing called life!
Don't you get tired of waiting for Wednesday night to party? Charlotte is growing into a place where urban professionals like ourselves should be able to enjoy ourselves EVERY night of the week! Not knocking anyone else's events or parties, but there has to be more to the week than just Wed-Sat...this is where Official Entertainment and Professional Swagga formally introduce the Ultimate Monday Night Tailgating Experience @ KISS Ultra Lounge...free all night, free giveaways to the ladies, drink specials all night, and the upscale experience you expect from this venue without having to wait until Saturday night! Men, don't you want somewhere you can watch the game and have beautiful ladies to parlay with during commercials and during halftime? Ladies, don't you want to enjoy the company of sexy men who won't have their minds on football all night? Come and have a ball at KISS, great food, great drinks, great fun, and a great afterparty!!! Oh, and did we mention tailgating in the front parking lot? This is a Monday night party you'll never forget that's unlike any other in the QC. Leave those troubles and Monday blues at the door, WE just want to show you a good time!!
P.S. We're BACK with a vengeance with what you crave, not just what you need!!
Ladies, how many times have you felt stressed about not being able to accomplish every goal or task you've set forth for the day? How many times have you wanted to just quit because you deemed you had too much on your plate? We all know the feeling...and have all been there before. Whether it's trying to juggle family, career, relationship, and school, or any combination of them, life can seem pretty overwhelming on a daily basis. But there is no need to despair or feel ashamed. This weekend, Saturday August 29, Professional Swagga is hosting our monthly event, Sista Girl Saturday, Uptown at Cosmos Cafe, and the focus is on YOU!The theme is Superwoman and we would like to facilitate a discussion on how we cope with the pressure of keeping up with everything we do on a daily basis. This is not to say that you don't have a mate who holds you down every step of the way, it's just to celebrate what we do as women and find ways to help each other prioritize our lives. We as the ladies of Professional Swagga feel this is the perfect forum for us to help build each other up and bring women together who may have the same concerns, but nowhere to voice them or get any advice. We also encourage the diversity of these events, because in the past we have always captured the attention of women who deal with different issues and come from different backgrounds who can help each other. This is all about becoming, being, and staying as positive about our lives and futures as possible! There will be free giveawaysguest speakers, and more...so treat yourself to a girls' night out and come politic with us this Saturday!
And for all the men who also read our blog, email us with some topics you think you would like to discuss at a forum dedicated to you...we've been hosting Sista Girl for about 9 months but would also love to get the men and women together to talk about what we can learn from each other and how we sometimes misunderstand each other on certain topics. Life and love are all about communication, and that often gets lost in translation. Email at professionalswagga@gmail.com,
we would LOVE to hear from you and have this on our agenda for the October event!
Don't forget to save the date, 8/29, this Saturday, 8:00 pm at Cosmos Cafe, 300 N. College Street, Uptown Charlotte...we look forward to seeing you there!!
Brought to you only by the ladies of Professional Swagga!
Bad customer service, problems with relationships, dealing with unruly children....these are all things that can make us very angry. Anger is a perfectly normal, usually healthy, human emotion. But when it gets out of control and turns destructive, it can lead to problems—problems at work, in your personal relationships, and in the overall quality of your life. And it can make you feel as though you're at the mercy of an unpredictable and powerful emotion. Anger has also been known and shown to cause various health problems, like heart attacks, anxiety, and high blood pressure. People use a variety of both conscious and unconscious processes to deal with their angry feelings. The three main approaches are expressing, suppressing, and calming. Expressing your angry feelings in an assertive—not aggressive—manner is the healthiest way to express anger. To do this, you have to learn how to make clear what your needs are, and how to get them met, without hurting others. Being assertive doesn't mean being pushy or demanding; it means being respectful of yourself and others. This is the best way to control your anger before you let it control you. Below are some strategies to help you deak with anger constructively:
Simple relaxation tools, such as deep breathing and relaxing imagery, can help calm down angry feelings. There are books and courses that can teach you relaxation techniques, and once you learn the techniques, you can call upon them in any situation. If you are involved in a relationship where both partners are hot-tempered, it might be a good idea for both of you to learn these techniques. Some simple steps you can try: Breathe deeply, from your diaphragm; breathing from your chest won't relax you. Picture your breath coming up from your "gut." Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax," "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply. Use imagery; visualize a relaxing experience, from either your memory or your imagination. Nonstrenuous, slow yoga-like exercises can relax your muscles and make you feel much calmer. Practice these techniques daily. Learn to use them automatically when you're in a tense situation.
Speaking of anger, so sorry Mariah Carey, but did you really mean to go at Eminem like that?! Your hubby isn't equipped to have your back on this one...and what Em put out is only called "Warning"...please don't provoke him anymore. Although, it would be interesting to hear the voicemails and see some pics for proof of the once-prominent R&B singer jocking Eminem after all the denials...hmmmmm.
I propose a boycott of all "rappers" making wack songs, e.g. Soulja Boy, Gucci Mane, and the like... really, I could name way more. They sound ridiculous and is this what music has come to? Why is this crap being made and played? Do yourself a favor and STOP MAKING THIS MESS!!! I just can't take it....AARRRGGHH!!!!! Okay, I'm doing some breathing now...lol
P.S. Preferred Spots
Sunday, August 23rd
Don't miss the premier event of the summer...brought to you by Corretta Livingston, CoAnt Entertainment and no other than PROFESSIONAL SWAGGA......Please join us. We are the life of the party and want to celebrate PS style. PROFESSIONAL SWAGGA will be doing giveaways. Send your email to professionalswagga@gmail.com to win free tickets and a chance to win giveaways. And we will be celebrating PS very own Ms Strong and Coretta Bday. VIRGOS STAND UP!!!!! If you never been on a Yacht ride get it in on the 23rd.
Special Birthday Yacht Ride from Lake Norman...For advance ticket information call 704-907-3656 or 980-939-9027. Email at antsco@yahoo.com. Ride from 8pm-12am. Board at 7:30pm.
We all know too well about older men wanting to be with younger women, whether it’s because they want to feel young themselves, need to be praised constantly, or don’t want to appear as if they have “fallen off”.BUT…
We’ve been experiencing a fairly new phase in our culture where older women are now loving younger men, and sometimes it's expressed in fairly derogatory terms (cougar, MILF)…it’s nothing out of the ordinary, just more prevalent nowadays. In our opinion, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it! I have a female friend who says that younger men are more chivalrous, listen to women more, and are extremely more talented and attentive in bed (don’t know about that one, lol!).But it’s true, you do see it more, and it doesn’t seem to be just a phase.Some studies have shown that older men don’t care as much about pleasing their women as much as they used to.Sometimes it’s the stress of holding down 1 or more jobs and having to support the family financially and being burned out. That isn’t surprising, as we are in a recession, and men who have to support families are extremely stressed about that and not as worried about what could be considered minor difficulties in a relationship.Sometimes it is due to a lack of communication.Maybe it’s just that they get too damn comfortable.But what about when the women are holding it down for the family?There’s never an excuse for not loving your significant other in the right way.I also spoke with another friend, who is male, and he says that he loves dating older women.According to him, they keep themselves up in a way that younger women don’t, they tend to be more financially stable, and they are sexier.And these young men aren’t looking to be taken care of, they usually have their own money and actually enjoy taking out and being seen with a mature woman.
So now you see the grand entrance of the younger man…less stressed, well-mannered, well-groomed, and more appealing in a lot of ways to a lot of women…either way, OLDER WOMEN HAVE IT GOING ON!!!! Just ‘cause you’re twice as old don’t mean you’re half as fly (Can anyone say Halle Berry)!!!Okay, all you real hip-hop heads know where that came from, I can’t front like I made that up!
Tiny and Toya…why?Haven’t we embarrassed ourselves enough?Everyone can get a reality show these days and they are living proof. We need more reality shows that actually HELP us without making us look like desperate ex-housewives.The only thing I would bet on concerning this show is that Tiny won't ever be able to conceal that GHETTO tattoo on her breast by the looks of the clothes she insists on wearing...I haven’t watched one single episode, but do I really have to in order to know what is going on?If someone can enlighten us, email us at professionalswagga@gmail.com, we would love to hear about it.
I know everyone is tired of talking about Michael Jackson’s death and conspiracy theories concerning it, but watching the 20/20 special about the Jackson family last night, I can see why Michael wanted he and his kids to be as far away from JOSEPH as possible.He’s way too conniving, money-hungry, controlling, and egotistical.Partying to 50 Cent in Vegas with women ¼ his age? Okay, whatever, and WTF?
P.S. Preferred Spots
Pop Life @ Apostrophe Lounge, 1440 S. Tryon Street, doors open at 6p, party until 2a, drink specials and free all night….this one is a keeper, the DJ is always on top of his game and it stays packed.Highly recommended for the constant and casual partygoer.
RSVP Thursdays @ Décor 1202, 1202 Charlottetown Rd., doors open at 9p, free all night with RSVP or flyer, drink specials all night…this is the old Vault and Eden for those who’ve been in Charlotte for a while…it’s been remodeled.Nice on the inside, crowd usually isn’t that thick…Nice night out for a couple or if you and your girls/guys just want to hang out.
Phrozen Hour/Afterparty: Summer Edition II
Part 1 @ 145 Brevard Court, 5p-9p, free drinks and hors d’oeurves WHILE THEY LAST
Part 2 @ 222 Church Street 10p-2a, free all night….haven’t actually been to this but will attend this weekend…sounds like a LOT of fun, see you there!
Day Dreams Part Deux @ The Forum, 300 N. College Street, for ticket info go to http://www.thesolkitchen.com/, $10 in advance…people, the day parties are not to be slept on….and this entertainment group really knows how to throw a headbanger!Get your tickets early or just hang out and party in the alley behind the club, get a hot dog or something, you know the old Mythos for us who remember, lolol!
Sorry for the brief hiatus, but you know we HAD to get it in for CIAA, hope you all had a fun CI week also, but now we’re back with the news you have come to expect from us!
March is Women’s History Month, and we would like to celebrate all of the women out there who are doing their thing and proud of it! There are so many females who are not brought to the limelight enough for doing the same as their male counterparts…in short, we usually don’t get the credit we deserve for making it happen just as well as the men do. Look at all of the female entrepreneurs, politicians, CEO’s, and professionals who are showing that a woman can do ANYTHING that a man can do, and maybe even better…:) But that’s just us talking! We are two women who pride ourselves on being independent professional women who make our own fortunes in this world of ours. And we can’t forget the women who paved the way for all of this to be possible, so check out http://www.infoplease.com/spot/womensintro1.html for the history of all of the women who may have gone unnoticed, but never forgotten.
Entertainment Blast Keri is so very…in over her head in calling out Beyonce and Ciara in her remix of “Turning Me On”. We understand that she has written songs for the both of them, and maybe she hasn’t gotten the credit she believes she deserves. But homegirl needs to chill with the slick talk, because she has already recanted her statements on an Atlanta radio show this week while Ciara was in the studio. Sounding real sorry and kinda fake if you ask me. This one doesn’t want it with either of them, and her backtracking proves it. She couldn’t even name who she was talking about when the radio host asked her who she was referring to in the song. She rambled about “haters” and never really gave a clear answer…has she even been around long enough to have any haters? Well her album drops on March 24, so we’ll see if she’s a one hit wonder, or the next hot chick out of the South. Either way, Bey has already recorded a “Diva” remix featuring Ciara…so I guess we’ll just have to stay tuned and hope this is over soon, all of these women are talented and don’t need to be up in this mess.
R.I.P. to one of the best rappers of all time, Notorious B.I.G., who was gunned down 9 years ago yesterday. We’ll always love you Big Poppa! It just sucks how NO ONE has still been even found a suspect in this murder. Conspiracy, anyone? We’ve always thought so.
Rick Ross and 50 Cent…this is just too funny. I’m sure you have all seen the cartoons that 50 has circulated around the internet about “Officer Ricky”…they are just hilarious. Ross has publicly come out and said that this is not real beef, because that would mean bodies, mommas crying, etc., etc. All I know is that 50 doesn’t sound so hard on that song where he is singing (again)…that dude’s voice gets higher than mine on the chorus!
P.S. Preferred
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 Tone-X and Friends @ Skandalos, Advance tix $10, $15 at the door.
Wednesday March 11, 2009 Pop Life @ Apostrophe Lounge, free admission all night
Thursday March 12, 2009 Top Notch Thursday @ Tilt, free admission all night, drink specials available
Friday March 13, 2009 The Soul Café Presents Soulganic Live in Concert @ The Wine Up, doors open at 8:00, $10 admission
Saturday March 14, 2009 Sophisticated Saturdays @ Tempo
Sunday March 15, 2009 Chocolate Sundays @ Rustic Martini, doors open at 9:00
We’re finally back!!! Even though we’ve been on a long vacation but still working in the community, we haven’t forgotten about our readers, we love ya’ll!! Thanks for all of your support in 2008, because we’re here to do it bigger and better in ’09…and a special thanks for everyone who asked when the next blog was coming out, and here you go!
HOMES-ONE OF OUR PRIZE POSSESSIONS As we all know and have witnessed firsthand, foreclosures in this country have skyrocketed in the last few years, forcing people out of their homes and into apartments. This has caused new renters to have a significant advantage when going to rent a townhouse, condominium, or apartment, because the property owners sometimes have no choice but to offer you the best rates and rents so they won't foreclose. See below about the leveraging power of new renters. http://finance.yahoo.com/real-estate/article/106480/Rents-Drop-Nationwide-as-Vacancies-Spike06480/Rents-Drop-Nationwide-as-Vacancies-Spike Some Facts when purchasing because it is a buyers market right now:
Wells Fargo was the number one mortgage lender in 2008, according to a report released today by MortgageDaily.com. The San Francisco-based bank originated $230 billion in residential mortgage loans during the year, factoring in recently-acquired Wachovia’s fourth quarter production. However, combined production from the pair was 25 percent lower than numbers seen in 2007, highlighting the intense pullback seen in the industry. JPMorgan Chase was the second largest mortgage lender in 2008, with $185.3 billion in loan origination's. The New York City-based bank, which acquired Washington Mutual last year, saw combined volume sink 37 percent below year-ago levels. Bank of America was third on the list with $181 billion in loan origination's, thanks in large part to its acquisition of Countrywide Financial. Countrywide was the largest mortgage lender in 2007, and ranked fourth this year based on its first and second quarter origination's alone, which totaled $132 billion. Rounding out the top five was Citigroup, with full year production of $104.3 billion. The company scaled back considerably during the year after posting record related losses.
If you are looking for a reliable property manager or broker to sell your home call us. 7 years of experience with the market in Charlotte and surrounding areas. Low property management fees. 704-400-7748 or strongrealty2007@yahoo.com Check out one of our listings:
13816 Riding Hill Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28213
3 bedroom 2.5 bath. Ready to move in. Pets negotiable. Almost 2,000 sqft. $1050/mth
Flavor Flav has actually become a reality TV icon…okay, well, not exactly, but his show has spawned many others to have a show on VH-1 about finding love. Ray-J, who is best known as Brandy’s little brother and hosting various BET video countdown shows, has his own show now. It has the usual cast of strippers, wannabe actresses, and crying women who confess their undying love for Ray-J after the first date…such class!! I think he should just put another tape out there with another random woman, look what he did for Kim Kardashian’s career! LOL!
Okay, can we please have the real story behind Chris Brown and Rihanna’s “disappearance” from the Grammy Awards? We all know and have read about the supposed altercation between them which resulted in felony battery assault charges against Chris…but now they (I guess their publicists) are stating that Rihanna was actually injured in a car accident. Then there is the rumor that she gave him herpes, so that’s why they were arguing and fighting in the first place. Whatever. #1, they were spotted at a pre-Grammy dinner given by Clive Davis on Saturday night, happy and smiling, so when did he find out about the alleged disease and why was he hugged up with her 2 hours before the altercation? And #2, Chris Brown ain’t whupping NOBODY’S behind with his little self. According to the police reports, he had bruises and scratches just like Rihanna. Chris must have forgotten Rihanna is just as big as him!
We KNOW you all watched the Grammy’s…short recap…Kanye West looks like Kurtis Blow and the silver blazer was horrible. Judy Jetson, AKA Estelle, was just as hideous during their performance. He did redeem himself during “Swagga Like Us”, when we noticed that Jay-Z needs a haircut also. And where was Beyonce? Coldplay is the isht, I don’t care what anyone says, those dudes ROCK! Jennifer Hudson…there are no words, the performance was breathtaking. Lil’ Wayne is still bringing his entire family onstage when he accepts awards, Robin Thicke is way too slept on, and thankfully T-Pain did not have a performance or presentation. T.I. showed he is still the King of the South with his song with Justin Timberlake.
On the BET Honors for Mary J blige Monica did her thing. I'm glad to see she still got it in her. She made me remember the old Mary! Now get up from that man and get another cd poppin.
Looking for ladies btw the ages of 18-25 to be on the Professional Swagga promo team "PS Girls'. They will attend clubs, parties and other fun events to distribute promotional and/or marketing materials. If you are interested email your photo and why to professionalswagga@gmail.com
Most companies try to show their appreciation for their employees’ hard work by rewarding them with a holiday party. But they aren’t only social gatherings, they are to be taken seriously because no matter what you think, you are always being watched by someone.
Holiday Party Do’s and Don’ts…
1. Don’t get intoxicated. Most holiday parties have an open bar, which you may be tempted to take advantage of. No one’s saying that you and your guest (s) shouldn’t have a good time, but moderation is the key. In the same manner, don’t eat too much at the buffet. Either way, getting drunk or looking like a pig does not make a good impression at all. You can always eat and drink more after the party.
2. Don’t pull the nightclub attire from your closet for the event. Do ask whether the attire is formal or casual. The party is still a business function, so conservative party clothes are always a good choice. Keep your reputation for good taste intact.
3. Do take the time to network with people at the party who can influence your career. Take the time to talk with people who you may not see regularly, such as top management, people from other departments, and employees from other locations. A holiday party is a great event to begin building or strengthening business relationships, so do introduce yourself and build your network.
4. Do keep all conversations positive and upbeat. Don’t spend the evening complaining, bragging, correcting, whining, or ridiculing. Avoid using the office party as an excuse to blow off steam. You also want to stay away from controversial subjects, such as religion, politics, and making off-color jokes. It’s still a company function, and you have to remain professional at all times.
We all know that with this bad economy there are a lot of businesses hurting and going under. Here is a list of stores that are closing around the country—check your local shopping districts and malls to see if any of these are closing in your area:
Circuit City (filed Chapter 11)
Ann Taylor 117 stores nationwide closing
Lane Bryant, Fashion Bug ,and Catherine's to close 150 stores nationwide
Eddie Bauer to close stores 27 stores and more after January
Cache will close all stores Talbot’s closing down specialty stores J. Jill closing all stores (owned by Talbots) Pacific Sunwear (also owned by Talbots)
GAP closing 85 stores
Foot Locker closing 140 stores, more to close after January
Wickes Furniture closing down
Levitz closing down remaining stores
Bombay closing remaining stores
Zale’s closing down 82 stores and 105 after January
Whitehall closing all stores
Piercing Pagoda closing all stores
Disney closing 98 stores and will close more after January
Home Depot closing 15 stores 1 in NJ ( New Brunswick )
Macys to close 9 stores after January
Linens and Things closing all stores
Movie Gallery Closing all stores
Pep Boys Closing 33 stores
Sprint/Nextel closing 133 stores
JC Penney closing a number of stores after January
Ethan Allen closing down 12 stores
Wilson Leather closing down all stores
Sharper Image closing down all stores
K B Toys closing 356 stores
Lowe's to close down some stores
Dillard's to close some stores
P.S. Preferred Spots
Monday, December 8 Marketing Mondays @ Rustic Martini, 616 N. Tryon St., doors open at 7:00, free to the public, Featuring guest presenters and organizations.
Tuesday, December 9 A Peace of Jazz @ KISS, 204 W. Woodlawn Rd., doors open at 7:00, cost is $10 all night, hosted by Jaye Delai of V101.9
Wednesday, December 10 Individual Poetry Slam @ Blumenthal Performing Arts Center’s Spirit Square, this event lasts Dec. 10-13, call 704-372-1000 for more details, tickets begin at $10.00
Thursday, December 11 Cufflinks and Cocktails: Code Red @ Chima, 139 S. Tryon St., doors open at 6:00, cost is complimentary, Come show support for HIV/AIDS awareness.
Friday, December 12 Celebrity Friday hosted by Allen Iverson and Kardinal Offishall, NV Nightclub, 20924 Torrence Chapel Rd., All Sagittarius get in FREE until 11:30, ladies free until 10:30, cost varies after 11
Saturday, December 13 EPMD performing live @ ALIVE in NODA, 2909 N. Davidson Street, tickets $10 in advance, $15 at the door
P.S. Preferred Partners
Getting married? Got a bachelorette or bachelor party to plan? Or do you and the girls just want to get away for a relaxing spa day? Look no further, we have the perfect solution for you! This week’s featured sponsor is Posh Socialites, a fantastic event planning firm who will take care of all the details so you can relax and be fabulous! Please visit http://www.poshsocialites.vpweb.com/ for further details.