I am so overjoyed and overcome with emotion to be able to say that Barack Obama is the new president of the United States. Tuesday night and beyond have been some of the most exciting and introspective days of my life. I am so proud to be an American, and I am not ashamed to say that I haven’t always been. This could be a turning point in American history, but should not become a symbol of atonement for past sins against Black people. All of us, black and white, share the legacy of slavery, but in the same vein, most of us do not and cannot know what it was like. We have never lived in that era. But the people who are most gratified at this time are people like Jesse Jackson, Douglas Wilder, and Anne Nixon Cooper, the 106 year-old woman who voted for Obama, and thought she would never see this in her lifetime. Think of all of the civil rights leaders who gave their lives just so we could see this day. Think of all of the times that you were growing up and even though your parents told you that you could do anything, you still secretly expressed reservations. Take time to think about how we need to celebrate, but we also need to put change to work. We got him elected, now let’s show we can be the best America if we try, just as we have demonstrated these past months by campaigning and voting for President-elect and the new Commander-in-Chief, Barack Obama.
There is no other black party that compares! If you missed last year @ THE BLAKE HOTEL which brought over 1,000 patrons, you definitely do not want to miss it this year. The UFW Charlotte Urban Fashion Week will make their Second Annual All Black Affair in the Queen City Saturday, Nov 8th at Stir. The top urban models and designers will be coming from all around the Carolinas and other UFW models coming from around the US. The Girls Club comprised of D. Woods of Danity Kane, Mika Means and Shanell aka SNL. Together they are a movement and are bringing way more than just a female perspective to the music industry. Listen to Power 98 for details!

There is no other black party that compares! If you missed last year @ THE BLAKE HOTEL which brought over 1,000 patrons, you definitely do not want to miss it this year. The UFW Charlotte Urban Fashion Week will make their Second Annual All Black Affair in the Queen City Saturday, Nov 8th at Stir. The top urban models and designers will be coming from all around the Carolinas and other UFW models coming from around the US. The Girls Club comprised of D. Woods of Danity Kane, Mika Means and Shanell aka SNL. Together they are a movement and are bringing way more than just a female perspective to the music industry. Listen to Power 98 for details!

This venue will acquire the most upscale & sexiest mature crowd surrounding the Carolinas so dress with your best fashionable Black attire, all Black preferred, but not mandatory!
All NC & SC Models and Designers please contact: Billy Bad Axx 404.391.6895 for more information about fashion show event, also selected models will get the opportunity to travel to Paris for THE UFW IN PARIS Event scheduled Jan 28 - Feb 1st, 2009. Selected models pictures will be on the flyer from the casting. Listen to Power 98 for details!
Limited Advance tickets & discounted tickets now @ http://www.ez-tixx.com/