Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Reflect and Elect!!!

The Democratic National Convention kicked off this week in Denver. Keynote speakers so far have included Michelle Obama, Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Vice Presidential Nominee Joe Biden. This convention is paramount to the Democratics’ success to get Barack Obama elected to the White House. So far, we have heard several feeble attacks on John McCain and the Republicans, but are we going to hear more substance? Well I know he tore the house DOWN on Thursday night!! Just his presence was so moving to 90,000 people who packed Invesco Stadium that it took almost a full 5 minutes before he could even start speaking. I now believe he has what it takes to attack the Republicans as forcefully as needed in order to win this election. I have always been an Obama supporter from day one, but I did wonder if he would ever really get that he had to reach everyone with more than abstract ideas and theories of how he would make this country better…well, he certainly spent his speech-writing time well, because he stated every intention he had for America if elected President. I know that I will be at the polls in November! I was also especially moved by his cute daughters joining his wife on stage Monday night, and his surprise appearance Wednesday night was a plus also.
Entertainment Blast
Jo Jo performing in Sydney and passes out on stage and nobody cares.

Nelly said if I can't beat them (with Vokal) join them! He is looking good in that Sean John!!!

Dr. Dre's 20-Year-Old Son Found Dead

Young's mother told police that she attempted to rouse her son at 10:24 a.m. on Saturday, and when she couldn't, she called paramedics. They pronounced him dead at the scene. Young "had been out with friends" the previous night. An autopsy was performed Monday. No foul play is expected. Dr. Dre has four other children: sons Curtis, 26, Marcel, 17, and Truth, 11, and daughter Truly, 7.

Singer Ne-yo Announces He Is Gay. Essence Magazine newly famed singer/songwriter has came out of the closet and announced that he is gay. The multi-platinum recording artist sat down with Essence Magazine last week and announced the shocking news stating, "Yes, I am gay, and I have always been." After several internet rumors have been circulating around the internet. He also said, "You now this world we live in is full of judgement, resulting in one of the reasons why it took me so long to come out of the closet." Earlier this month, a man by the name of Derrick Johnson claimed that he had an intimate relationship with the singer during there teen years in high school. He also said that for months the singer and Def Jam has been trying to pay him to keep quiet over the ordeal. Worrying that it would destroy his image. Ne-yo responds saying, that the relationship did occur and he is no longer ashamed of saying that he was deeply in love. Reciting "That situation was what inspired me to write the song Unfaithful. But no one knew it was actually about myself, and our relationship." He told Essence that he doesn't care anymore, he was tired of living a lie and is ready to come clean. Quoting, "the music industry can either except me for who I am, or desert me."

NFL Celebrity VIP Kickoff Party @ Prevue

The Yellow & White Penthouse Affair @ Private Penthouse


Dear Summer @ Zink Americana Restaurant

End of Summer @ HOM


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Men lets keep it tight!

Did you know...
-that 1 in 29 Black men in the United States die as a result of homicide?
-that the death rate from Cancer among Black males is twice that of white males?
-that the death rate for Black men as a whole is higher than any other major group in the population?
-that the young Black male is the most frequent victim of violent crime?
-that the average Black man barely lives long enough to collect his social security?

Your doctor will recommend that you have a physical examination and certain screening tests periodically, depending on your age and health history. The following are the most common tests recommended for men.

In your 20s:
• You should have two physical exams in your 20s. During the first exam, ask to have your cholesterol checked. Other blood tests are not needed in healthy people.
• Go to the dentist every year for an exam and cleaning
• If you have vision problems, have an eye exam every two years
• Have your blood pressure checked every year
• Men should perform a monthly self-exam to check for testicular cancer, the most common cause of cancer in males between the ages of 15 and 34
• You should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years.

In your 30s to 40s:
• Continue yearly visits to the dentist for cleaning
• Whether you’ve had vision problems or not, you should begin eye exams every two years. After the age of 45, start testing for glaucoma
• Continue keeping track of your blood pressure every year
• If your cholesterol remains normal, check it every five years
• Have a physical exam every one to five years
• Men should perform monthly testicular self-exams and women should perform monthly breast self-exams
• Around age 45, everyone should be screened for diabetes every three years, or earlier if you are at high risk.
• You should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years.

In your 50s:
• Continue yearly dental and blood pressure checkups as well as vision testing every two years
• If you cholesterol remains normal, check it every five years
• Have a physical exam every one to five years
• After age 50 men should have a yearly rectal exam to check for colorectal cancer and prostate cancer
• Have a stool guaiac test done every year and flexible sigmoidoscopy every three to five years to check for colorectal cancer. Periodic colonoscopies may be needed for those at high risk for colon cancer.
• You should receive a flu vaccine every year after the age of 50
• You should have a tetanus-diphtheria booster every 10 years
• Men should perform a monthly testicular self-exam and women a monthly breast self-exam
• Continue to be screened for diabetes every three years

For 60s and above:
• Continue yearly dental and blood pressure checkups as well as vision testing every two years
• Have your hearing tested every year
• Check your cholesterol every three to five years, if it’s normal
• Begin yearly physical exams
• To check for cancer, every three to five years, everyone should have a sigmoidoscopy exam or every 10 years a colonoscopy
• Men should have a yearly rectal exam to check for colorectal cancer and prostate cancer
• Men should perform a monthly testicular self-exam
• Get a flu shot every year
• After 65, get a pneumonia vaccine (good for 5 to 10 years).
• Get a tetanus diphtheria booster every 10 years
• Continue to be screened for diabetes every three years.

Shiloh Church of God in Christ
Come out to family and friends this SUNDAY @ 3pm
Want to hear the word without the show!!!
Don't get me wrong you can praise the lord but you will get a word that you can use throughout the week.
This Sunday the 24th join us!!!!
Come as you are Dress code.
Temporary meeting location:
1204 Commercial Avenue
Charlotte NC 28206
For more information go to
PS PREFERRED EVENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P. S. We bring the events so you can party!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Time to Get Ready….

As we all know, it’s almost time to go back to school for the kids, big and little! We hope you had a chance to take advantage of the tax free weekend that just passed, and we also want you to take into consideration some tips that we have for you in order to ease that transition period. It takes a lot to go from sleeping late into the morning, having lazy afternoons and late TV-watching nights all the way to having basically a non-stop day from beginning to end. Read below for some ways to make this period an easier one this year…but remember, summer’s not over yet!! You still have time to enjoy the last few no-hassle weeks, so make the best of it!

1. Create Calendar Central.
Each school year floats on a sea of schedules. School functions. Lunch menus. Scout meetings and music lessons. What do you do when you're drowning in paper?
Printable Calendar
Nothing calms school year chaos like Calendar Central: a centralized site for all family calendars and schedules. You'll need a family event calendar to track after-school activities, school programs and volunteer work. Add specialized calendars and schedules, and you have it: a one-stop shop for family time management.
Form is less important than function. A paper calendar with large squares lets you enter information easily. Pre-printed white board calendars are easy to revise when necessary. Color-coding entries by family member helps keep busy lives straight. Planner users dedicate a planner section to serve as Calendar Central, while tech-savvy cybergrrrlz store the info in a personal digital assistant like Palm Pilot. Choose a calendar format that works for your family.
2. Ease the family into a school year schedule.
The first day of school is no time for a drastic adjustment of household sleep schedules. Instead, ease children back into a school year routine gradually.
During the last two weeks of summer, re-introduce a school year bedtime. Begin waking late sleepers earlier and earlier, closer to the hour they'll need to rise when school begins.
Don't neglect mealtimes! Younger children, in particular, need to adapt to new meal routines before the school day demands it of them. Plan meals and snacks to accustom little ones to rituals of the school day before the school year begins.
3. Gather your papers
School entry may require documentation from immunization records to report cards from the previous school year.
A little preparation can prevent frantic last-minute searches. Call your child's school before registration day to find out what paperwork will be required--then find it! You won't be sorry come registration day.
4. Spiff up household systems
A new school year quickens the tempo of family life. Sports activities, music lessons, church programs and volunteer commitments tap parental time and put new mileage on the mini-van.
Get organized! Spiff up your household systems to meet autumn's faster pace"
Take a stab at speed cleaning and whip through household chores in record time.
Cut time in the kitchen: create a menu plan and never again wonder "What's for dinner?"
Try a session of freezer cooking and stock the freezer with prepared meals for stress-free dinners on sports nights.

Thought of the day by Bishop T.D. Jakes….
A hater is someone that is jealous and envious and spends all their time trying to make you look small so they can look tall. They are very negative people. Nothing is ever good enough! When you make your mark, you will always attract some haters... That's why you have to be careful who you share your blessings and your dreams with because some folk can't handle seeing you blessed... It's dangerous to be like somebody else... If God wanted you to be like somebody else. He would have given you what He gave them. You don't know what people have gone through to get what they have... The problem I have with haters is that they see my glory, but they don't know my story... If the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, you can rest assured that the water bill is higher there too. We've all got some haters among us.
Some people don't like it that you can: 1. Have a relationship with God 2. Light up a room when you walk in 3. Start your own business
You can handle your haters by: 1. Knowing who you are and who your true friends are (VERY IMPORTANT!!) 2. Having a purpose to your life 3. By remembering what you have is by divine prerogative and not human manipulation.
Purpose does not mean having a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled. A purpose is having a clear sense of what God has called you to be. Your purpose is not defined by what others think about you. Fulfill your dreams! You only have one life to live................when its your time to leave this earth, you want to be able to say,* I've lived my life and fulfilled my dreams, .........I'm ready to go HOME!
And on that note, don’t ever let anyone change your goals and dreams!